This is a notice to inform you that the HoneybeeLives LLC partnership between Chris Harp and Grai St. Clair Rice is being dissolved. Each partner can be reached at their respective new endeavors.
Chris Harp provides apiary services and Bee Doctor visits. Chris can be reached at Harp Apiculture: 845-255-6113.
Grai St. Clair Rice teaches small beekeeping classes and engages diverse audiences through visual presentations. Grai can be reached at:
The HoneybeeLives email will no longer be answered.
It has been a privilege to work with many of you as students and/or clients to nurture the wellbeing of honeybees and the environment.
December 2024

Photo by Grai St. Clair Rice
We can learn many things, thru a love and respect for nature.
Honeybees are amazing and gentle creatures. They live in colonies which function as a single organism, with each Honeybee working for the good of the whole. They nurture the beauty and fecundity of the earth with their gift of pollination, and through that pollination mankind gains strength, and nature diversity.
Backyard beekeepers, with a conscience towards respecting the needs of the Honeybee, can effect positive change towards keeping hives healthy. Urban beekeeping is as vital as tending bees in a country paradise. No matter where you may have bees, they connect you to nature, the seasons and the environment around you. HoneybeeLives’ beekeeping classes in NYC and the Hudson Valley are focused on nurturing the beekeepers who nurture their bees.
Beekeeping Classes in New Paltz & Brooklyn, New York City
Organic Beekeeping Classes & Apiary Services
Seasonal Class Offerings, Hive Tending and Hive Health Diagnosis
Swarm Collecting and Colony Removal
HoneybeeLives is an organization, based in the Hudson Valley, practicing Natural/Organic Beekeeping with a Biodynamic influence. Chris Harp and Grai Rice teach intensive two-day beekeeping workshops in the winter in the Hudson Valley and NYC. Seasonal hands-on support classes are taught during the bee season at the HoneybeeLives Apiary in New Paltz, in the Hudson Valley, NYS.
HoneybeeLives also provides a wide-range of apiary services to CSA farms and private estates in NYS and CT.
The focus of HoneybeeLives’ work is to encourage and support the health of the honeybee by nurturing knowledgeable, loving and confident beekeepers and property owners. Broadening the general public’s understanding and appreciation of the honeybee, and their role in honeybee health is another focus of HoneybeeLives’ work. Farmers and the general public can also have a positive impact through simple choices about when to spray or mow, as well as planting trees and flowers that provide valuable food for both domestic and feral bees.
HoneybeeLives has conducted beekeeping classes including at The Pfeiffer Center for Biodynamic Agriculture, the Sustainable Living Resource Center and The Commons in Brooklyn. Chris Harp and Grai Rice have presented talks at NOFA NY and NOFA NJ Winter conferences, Eastern Apiculture Society and at numerous beekeeping associations and garden clubs.
A gift of Honeybees is a gift of Life.
Chris Harp & Grai St. Clair Rice
New Paltz & New York City
National Honey Bee Day
August 21, 2021